Caspar Dechmann
Coming up
Sept. 10th to
Oct. 15th 2016
Operetta Company
Spring 2017
Volksoper Zürich
Nov. 10th to 27th 2015
Zürich Opera House
Sept. 6th to Oct. 11th 2015
Operettenbühne Hombrechtikon
Aug. 21st, 22nd and 23rd 2015
Hernerpark, Horgen
January 25th & 26th 2015
Zurich Opera house, Mirror Hall

Recently ...
Johann Strauss: Prinz Methusalem
With this piece the operetta company of the Zürich Oberland plays a rare delicacy: Two sovereigns detest each other wholeheartedly but they try to capitalize politically on the wedding of their children. However, they forget that their youngsters have their own heads and that Love makes unforeseen plan that shake both states vigorously. As a surprise the hero lived no 900 years but is a post-pubertal rebel prince.
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Verdi: La Traviata
In October and November I am dealing with a new challenge: I have the opportunity to participate in the rerun of La Traviata at the Zürich Opera House. I will be conducting stage rehearsals and during the performances I will sit in the box and cue the singers and wisper before their words. This is an invisible, important and very delicate job because you have to think all the time to two time levels simultaniously. Those six perfomances will certainly be well worth a visit despite the fact that I will remain invisible.
Lortzing: Der Wildschütz
It took some courage when we decided to perform instead of an operetta the lovely opera "Zar und Zimmermann" by Albert Lortzing. The great success of this production proved that his music is convincing and that his wit contradicts all prejudices that think of his operas as beeing oldfashioned and too much Biedermeier. Der Wildschütz is a kind of German "Bartered Bride" and like in most operettas in the end it is the ladies you win and the men are left looking stupid, the noble as well as the humble!
Amboise Thomas: Mignon
I am very excited that the young company Volksoper Zürich has asked me to be in spring 2017 the musical director for the production of this beautiful opera which is almost forgotten today. Musically this is one of my dream pieces and until about a century ago it was one of the three of four most performed French operas! Nowadays connaisseurs still know some of the arias, such as "Connais tu le pays", "Je suis Tatiana la blonde" or " Adieux, Mignon".
Lunch Concerts
At the end of January I will play a special chamber piece with leading string players of the Zürich Opera: Grand Sextuor by Glinka. As the title suggests it is a major composition with a virtuoso piano part. Space and tickets are limited.
Mozart: The Abduction from the Seraglio
After the great success of this production previously in Liestal we have the pleasure to repeat it three times in a very different setting: The Herner Park in Horgen with a neobaroque recently renovated bath house delivers the perfect stage for our interpretation of Mozart’s early masterpiece: A fantastic Harem in a gorgeous garden. Between the old trees and bushes the protagonists have endless possibilities for new and surprising encounters. The orchestra sounds again out of my magic lamp produced by Steinway.